Do we still appreciate the first mass medium- the Printing Press?

I really doubt that John Gutenburg knew that his invention – the printing press with moveable type, would go on to be credited to have brought about one of the greatest social and political impacts of our time. The invention of the printing press expanded the reading public and helped bring about a standard of uniform languages which had a great impact of the European political structure at that time according to Elizabeth C. Hanson (2008, pg 15). Understanding the historical impact of the printing press helped me appreciate the printing press as a mass medium.

Since Gutenberg’s invention, there have been various technological changes which have made communication of ideas around the world much easier and faster. I just find it ironical that the printing press which will always have great impact across various sectors will be struggling to survive in our generation because unfortunately, the reading public is reducing. Yes, it is true if everything is on the internet, why would anyone need to buy a book or a magazine? I do appreciate the big shift towards having everything on the internet is saving our planet. But my only fear is that because everything is now on the internet, kids are not reading anymore. I need a whole new post to comment about what is being posted on the internet. I think years ago when the printing press was invented, those who came behind us understood and utilized the printing press. I just hope that with everything moving to the internet which seems to be threatening the printing press as a medium for printing written work, our generation will still understand the impact reading the right material can have on an individual and even greater society.


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